
Unlocking Communities in the News

Mission Sunday 2021

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Unlocking Communities is honored to be featured at this year’s Mission Sunday at Old St. Patrick’s alongside the North Lawndale Community Coordinating Council. On Sunday, January 24, Unlocking Communities was highlighted as an organization providing life-changing service to humanity. In continuation of Mission Sunday, the Unlocking Communities team joined a webinar hosted by Old St. Pat’s on Thursday, January 28.

Listen to the webinar here.

Mission Matters LIVE! – Catalysts for Change in Mission

Originally posted by Mission Matters LIVE!

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Hosts: Megan Mio

Megan talks with Josh Goralski Founder and CEO of Unlocking Communities, a non-profit social enterprise working to provide Haitian church communities the tools and resources necessary to be their own catalysts for economic, social and environmental change. Josh explains where the idea this work came from and how community members in Haiti called for sustainable forms of transformation and growth. He connects this work with the principles of Catholic Social Teaching.

Listen to the whole broadcast here (scroll down to January 21).

Lessons from Haiti: Josh Goralski

Originally published by Things Not Seen

Last year, our guest Josh Goralski joined us on the show to talk about a new nonprofit he had founded to serve the people of Haiti called Unlocking Communities.

Now he is back to talk to us about the lessons he has learned since our last conversation. He talks about some of the challenges that he had not anticipated, as well as the opportunities he did not expect.

This conversation is a must-listen for anyone who is feeling a call to do something greater for those in need in our world.

You can listen to our previous conversation, about the founding of Unlocking Communities, here.

Listen to the podcast here

Catholic Chicago Radio – Unlocking Communities

Originally posted by Catholic Chicago Radio

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Hosts: Fr. Greg Sakowicz and Mark Teresi.

Segment II: Josh Goralski, Founder and CEO of Unlocking Communities, a social enterprise that puts economic power in the hands of Haitians to create an environment of self-respect and sustainability.

Listen to the whole broadcast here (scroll down to February 27).

Elevating Haiti through a Sustainable Business Model; with Josh Goralski, founder of Unlocking Communities

Originally posted by Good Press

Unlocking Communities founder, Josh Goralski, has spent an extensive amount of time in Haiti. He’s seen the challenges that Haitians face, and he’s working to elevate Haiti by putting the economic power into the hands of Haitians themselves.
Unlocking Communities provides resources and training for Haitian entrepreneurs to build sustainable businesses. These entrepreneurs help create healthier communities by selling money-saving water filters and clean burning stoves to people within their communities.

Read the interview below to learn how Josh is implementing this social enterprise model, and his advice for other social entrepreneurs.

Tell me about your organization and the work that you do.
Unlocking Communities works to empower rural Haitians to start small businesses to sell water filtration systems and clean burning stoves. We chose those products because they are products that Haitians are spending a lot of money on — buying charcoal and buying water. There are simple solutions out there that have lacked getting into the hands of the people that really need them. So our model both helps to bring business education training to our sellers and also products to people who need them.

Read the full article here.